Fortnite V-bucks 13500

$ 61.99 94%
About this product

Buy high quality Fortnite V-Bucks cheap and fast delivery, with only $ 61.99 for each V-Bucks, plus bonus with almost every purchase. Our team always ready to help and stocks are available.

- Delivery take between 20 min - 6 hours - V-Bucks to your Fortnite EPIC GAME account - To activate, you will need to have an XBOX account linked with your EPIC GAME account (if you don't have, you can create one in minutes for free) - We will send you V-Bucks through XBOX account, and you will receive them to your Fortnite account (Let us know if you have any question)
If you have any question, or you need any help let us know by contacting us on our online support

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13500 V-Bucks
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